Wednesday, January 21, 2009

innaguration assembly at montlake

at the end of the day there was a big celebration to welcome obama. one kid was chosen from each grade to read a poem. avery was chosen from the kindergarten. he said, "my hope for the future is no more global warning." and he drew the earth on fire.

after school

after the bell rang and the kids were excused from class they ran to find john.

Monday, January 19, 2009

after dinner stroll

st. edward's state park

we took the kids to a great park up north. we had a picnic and played football. luckily it was a gorgeous day.

bubbles and sunshine

morning gus

gus has been sleeping in late and comes down so groggy. he usually jumps into someone's arms, ruby's arms this morning.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

montlake pics

pictures at the kids' school. the boy to avery's left, sammy, is avery's age! the boy to owen's right just jumped in the photo.

jack and the beanstalk

owen's class did a play of jack and the beanstalk. he was a narrator and was so cute. avery's class sat right in front.

owen and the fire cat

owen had to do a book report on the book, "the fire cat." we made the fire cat out of a milk carton. not bad for doing it all in one night.

Monday, January 5, 2009

teacher candy

instead of buying teacher gifts this year, i had the bright idea of making them candy. luckily john had the patience (and skill) to actually make the candy. ruby and i had fun making the boxes look pretty. the candy is peppermint bark, way too delicious.

snow, again

we took the kids to a movie and out for pizza to celebrate the last night of vacation. when we came out of the theater the ground was covered in snow. the kids went crazy playing in the snow shouting that they would get a snow day the next day. it all melted by the morning.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

new years' eve

our friends thury and jonathon had an awesome new years' eve party. the highlight for the kids were the fireworks at midnight followed by the smashing of the gingerbread houses. the highlight for us was that they all slept until 9:30am this morning.

ice skating

we took the kids to the seattle center to try ice skating. gus used a walker and was a mad man on the ice sliding everywhere. ruby and owen supported each other along the wall until they figured it out. avery just zipped ahead, falling and then getting up as fast as his legs could carry him.

windy seattle