Thursday, December 20, 2007

Sunday, December 16, 2007

christmas tree farm

a nice woman-with an amazing camera-volunteered to take some pictures of our family when we were at the christmas tree farm. the kindness of strangers....

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

happy anniversary nanu & papa!

wearing hats that nanu knitted from alpaca yarn from john's favorite farm in eastern washington.

Monday, December 10, 2007

spying on gus at school

we love that gus' teachers take photos, because we still can't believe that he goes to school each morning and does all the activities with all the other kids. but here is the proof. cooking is still his favorite thing at school, wonder where that comes from?!

more gus at school

Saturday, December 8, 2007

sitting on santa's lap

this year all the kids sat on santa's lap. ruby asked for earrings, owen x-box (yeah, right), avery a skateboard and gus a remote controlled helicopter.

hay ride

christmas tree harvest

we drove to north bend and picked out a tree and chopped it down.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

channukah gifts from nanu & papa

nanu made the kids great sweaters and sent us the amazing photo book, the family of man.

gus at school

gus' potty training incentive

nanu & papa bought gus a cool red car if he pooped in the potty and he is now riding the car, so.....

john's favorite pastime


fun with nanu & papa

new shirts from nanu & papa's trip to france. avery at school and lattes at vitrola.

thanksgiving with the family!

mom and dad and ilana and bear and the kids came along with lisa, lief & monte. a full fun house.

hanging out with the cousins

fish and chips on the waterfront